Vier Hände von vier unterschiedlichen Menschen umfassen gemeinsam ein Steuerrad.
Arez Ghaderi / SOS Humanity

Fundraising campaign

Raise for

SOS Humanity

Some of our supporters have set up fundraising campaigns to support our life-saving work. You too can make a valuable contribution: donate now to one of the fundraising campaigns below or create your own and share the link with colleagues, friends and family! Together you can save lives.

Giving the gift of humanity together

FundraisingBox Logo

Whether at a party, a concert, a charity run, a birthday or just because – with your fundraising campaign for SOS Humanity, you can set an example for humanity and support our life-saving work. Start your own campaign and reach your personal fundraising goal together with friends, colleagues and family. Every euro counts.

nach Rettung leeres Holzboot im Sonnenuntergang
Pietro Bertora / SOS Humanity


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