Bearing witness: We highlight things that shouldn’t be and document injustices. We amplify the voices of the people we met on board, share their stories and let the team of SOS Humanity as well as the civil society speak their mind.
Stories, reports, interviews, and portraits
Refugee stories
By documenting the experiences of refugees we want to bear witness and bring attention to the consequences of the inhumane European policy of sealing off the central Mediterranean. Here survivors have their say – and therefore the people who far too often only appear as numbers in anonymous statistics.
Team stories
Our team on board of the Humanity 1 witnesses the untenable conditions in the central Mediterranean. Here we publish portraits and testimonies of our crew on board and our team on land.
Stories of civil society
Stories of civil society shows what is being set in motion on land to enforce the duty to rescue at sea, and by whom. Here you find inspiring people who are working with us for more humanity at sea.