Ein kleines Kind mit Rettungsweste wird von einer Seenotretterin von SOS Humanity auf ein Boot gebracht.
Laurin Schmid / SOS Humanity

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People continue to die at Europe’s borders every day. But instead of rescue and protection, we see increasing criminalisation of humanitarian aid workers and tightening of asylum laws. Solidarity and human rights are being challenged by right-wing populist forces. We must not allow inhumanity to become political normality.

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RHIB von SOS Humanity mit Crew, die Menschen von einem Schlauchboot rettet. Im Hintergrund das Meer, Himmel und die Humanity 1.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
Your regular donation

In Germany, your sustaining membership fee is tax-deductible. The sustained membership itself is voluntary and can be cancelled at any time.

Your contact person

Manola Sorg
Fundraising manager for regular donors

T: +49 (0) 157 5824 1986

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