Crew Mitglied mit gelbem Helm und blauer Jacke von SOS Humanity verteilt Rettungwesten an Geflüchtete an Bord eines Bootes.
Raphael Schumacher / SOS Humanity

Saving lives


for rescue

With our rescue ship Humanity 1, we bring more humanity to the Mediterranean. We rescue people seeking protection from drowning, care for them on board and bring them safely ashore.

Our operations in numbers

Rettungseinsatz auf dem Mittelmeer - rechts Menschen mit Rettungswesten in einem Schlauchboot, links Rettungsteam
Nicole Thyssen / SOS Humanity


people rescued since 2016*

Until the end of 2021, we rescued as the German branch of the SOS Mediterranee network with the Aquarius and the Ocean Viking.


Rescues in 16 rescue missions with our ship Humanity 1


survivors welcomed on board Humanity 1


of those rescued by the crew of Humanity 1 were children and minors

Our rescue ship Humanity 1

The Humanity 1  is one of the largest and best equipped rescue ships in the central Mediterranean! Its name is both a reminder of our values – and a call to action.

Humanity 1 Illustration | SOS Humanity
  • Range
    7,400 km
  • Year of construction
  • Output
    1,264 PS
  • Length
    60 m
  • Flag
  • Costs / Day

*This corresponds to all costs incurred for the operation of the ship (such as care of the rescued and the crew, equipment, fuel and logistics).

Help us keep Humanity 1 afloat!

Gestapelte Rettungswesten mit Aufdruck SOS Humanity
Max Cavallari / SOS Humanity
Crew on board
Search and rescue team

7 persons

Nautical and technical team

12 persons

Medical and protection team

6 persons 

Communication and research team

3 persons ( including photographer)

Our international crew consists of 28 people. Some of them are permanent employees while others join us on board as volunteers. You want to join our crew to save people from drowning? Check our crewing website. There you will find further information.

One additional berth on board is reserved for an external journalist.

Humanity 1, das Rettungsschiff von SOS Humanity, auf türkisem Wasser (Mittelmeer) und mit blauem Himmel im Hintergrund.
Maria Giulia Trombini / SOS Humanity

The Humanity 1

The Humanity 1 was the first alliance ship of United4Rescue, operated by Sea-Watch as Sea-Watch 4. Until the transfer to SOS Humanity in August 2022 almost 1,900 people were rescued and brought safely ashore by Sea-Watch since its first departure in 2020.

In July 2022, the ship entered dry dock for mandatory routine examination and was rechristened Humanity 1 on 19 August 2022 in Vinaròs, Spain. At the end of August, the Humanity 1 set off on its first mission towards the central Mediterranean, where its crew save people from distress at sea.

SOS Humanity im Hintergrund, im Vordergrund ein RHIB, das Gerettete an Bord bringt.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity

Equipment on board

The Humanity 1 is well equipped for search and rescue operations in the central Mediterranean. To detect distress cases at sea, the bridge has a standard radar and a high-performance radar at its disposal. From the moment of arrival in the rescue area, crew members are on the lookout for boats in distress with stabilised high-powered binoculars around the clock.

Two fast rescue boats (RHIBs) and 500 life jackets for adults, children, and babies are available for rescue operations. Another 500 life jackets are on board for emergencies. In addition, life rafts, centifloats (bananas) and other rescue equipment that keep people afloat in an emergency are available.

To provide the best possible care after a rescue, all survivors on board receive a rescue kit containing dry clothing, hygiene articles, emergency food, and drinking water.

There is also a clinic on board, equipped with two beds for acute emergencies as well as respirators, surgical instruments, and the most important medicines, among other things. The ship also has a separate shelter for women and children.

On board

Crew beim Training am Boden sitzend an Bord der Humanity 1
Raphael Schumacher / SOS Humanity
Gerettete an Deck, die von hinten zu sehen sind und auf das Meer blicken
Raphael Schumacher / SOS Humanity
Crew an Bord der Humanity 1 bei der Ausgabe von Essen an Deck
Rettungswesten aufgehängt an Deck der Humanity 1
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
Hebamme und Frau mit anderen Crew-Mitgliedern, bei der Untersuchung eines Babys
Camilla Kranzusch / SOS Humanity
Im Woman Shelter mit bunt bemalten Wänden und Vorhängen auf der Humanity 1 gib es einen abgetrennten Bereich für die Hebamme.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
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SOS Humanity e.V.
Postbox 440352
12003 Berlin
Phone +49 (0) 30 2352 5682


SOS Humanity e.V.

IBAN: DE 0410 0500 0001 9041 8451
