Rescue Report No. 15

Over 30 people on a small rubber boat in the middle of the central Med.
Leon Salner / SOS Humanity

Latest information:

The survivor was able to disembark in Porto Empedocle. 

Last update: 28 October, 16:30 pm CEST

  • Rescue operations
  • Survivors
  • Minors
  • Fernglas im Design und in den Farben (Gelb und blau) von SOS Humanity (vormals SOS Mediteranee)

    Spotted! The first boat was discovered by our crew on deck after only a short time at sea. The second boat was discovered by the crew after they had been on the lookout for over a week during storms.

  • ICON der Humanity 1 in den Farben von SOS Humanity

    The first boat was an unseaworthy, overcrowded plastic boat. The people had no life jackets or supplies on board. The second boat was also unseaworthy when it was spotted in international waters off the coast of Libya.

  • Icon Herzfrequenz in den Farben von SOS Humanity.

    Medical situation: One person with a leg injury had to be treated in hospital, some people were seasick and dehydrated but stable. In both cases, the people had no food or life jackets on board.

  • Icon mit Steuerrad in den SOS-Humanity Farben blau und gelb.

    As a place of safety the harbour of Crotone in Italy was assigned for the first boat and Porto Empedocle for the second boat.


Our mission in pictures:

Leon Salner / SOS Humanity
Ein Crewmitglied von SOS Humanity beim Training an Bord.
Leon Salner / SOS Humanity
Der Kopf eines Crewmitgliedes von hinten und im Hintergrund Menschen, die von einem Flüchtlingsboot in ein Rettungsboot von SOS Humanity steigen.
Leon Salner / SOS Humanity
Flüchtlingsboot links und rechts ein Schnellboot von SOS Humanity, das die Menschen rettet.
Leon Salner / SOS Humanity
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