Freiwillige mit einem Fahrrad und gelben Socken mit dem blauen SOS Humanity T-Shirt bei einer Freiwilligen Aktion

On land

Stand up and

convince people!

Volunteer for civil search and rescue! As a volunteer with SOS Humanity, you can raise awareness about the humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean at concerts, demonstrations or educational events and mobilise more people to support SOS Humanity. Or you can help shape SOS Humanity’s public relations work as part of the social media or podcast team. You can also support us as an individual with translation or layout work or use your own reach to draw attention to our work.

Volunteering takes many forms:

Wanda Proft / SOS Humanity
Slider Engagement für zivile Seenotrettung | SOS Humanity
Wanda Proft
Slider Engagement für zivile Seenotrettung | SOS Humanity
SOS Humanity
Zwei Personen mit SOS T-Shirts und blau-gelbem SOS Humanity Banner bei einem Konzert, lachend, mit Nebel im Hintergrund
Michael Winkler
Slider Engagement für zivile Seenotrettung | SOS Humanity
Wanda Proft
Slider Engagement für zivile Seenotrettung | SOS Humanity
Freiwillige von SOS Humanity schreiben an die Wall of Humanity
Kein Asylkompromiss 2.0 Berlin Germany 2023/05/26 © Wanda Proft

Save our

Podcast zivile Seenotrettung | SOS Humanity

Save Our Souls – the SOS Humanity Podcast

Giving insights, telling stories, providing context, reflecting together and giving encouragement: our Berlin volunteers have founded the Save Our Souls podcast and regularly report on civil search and rescue and the humanitarian situation in the Mediterranean.

Listen in, subscribe and share:

Hier geht’s zur aktuellen Folge


Our SOS Humanity volunteer groups:

There are already volunteer groups in several German cities that are raising awareness of the situation in the Mediterranean and supporting the life-saving work of SOS Humanity.

Is there already an SOS Humanity volunteer group in your city? Perfect! Then write to them directly! Any support is always welcome.

If there is no group in your city, you are welcome to contact us. We’ll help you find the right volunteering opportunity and other people you can get involved with:

I'm already involved because...

Person mit langen Haaren und SOS Humanity T-Shirt steht bei einem Infostand von SOS Humanity
"I support SOS Humanity because I think it's important not to look away but to stand up for people and their rights"
Doro Freiwilligengruppe Seenotrettung Hamburg | SOS Humanity
"I support SOS because it should be a matter of course not to let anyone drown."
Johannes Freiwilligengruppe Seenotrettung Berlin | SOS Humanity
"We are simply helping a person who is at risk of drowning - nothing more, nothing less."
Hannah Freiwilligengruppe Seenotrettung Flensburg | SOS Humanity
"I volunteer with SOS because humanity transcends borders."

More about this topic:

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