14th mission of Humanity 1

Crew member of SOS Humanity looks at a rubber boat with lots of people - some are already in the water.
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity

Latest information:

All survivors were able to go ashore in Genoa.

Last update: 20 August 2024, 1 p.m. CEST

  • Rescues
  • Survivors
  • Medical evacuations
  • Fernglas im Design und in den Farben (Gelb und blau) von SOS Humanity (vormals SOS Mediteranee)

    Spotted! For four of the five boats, a distress call was received from another civilian organisation. One boat was detected by the crew on radar.

  • Humanity 1 als Icon in den SOS Humanity Farben gelb und blau

    The boats were heavily overcrowded, unseaworthy and had no rescue or navigation equipment. Some of the boats were already full of water and smelled strongly of fuel. One boat deflated during the rescue.

  • Icon Herzfrequenz in den Farben von SOS Humanity.

    Medical situation:The survivors were severely exhausted, dehydrated and mentally stressed from their escape. Many showed signs of physical violence. Some people lost consciousness on board. Two people had to be evacuated for medical reasons.

  • Icon mit Steuerrad in den SOS-Humanity Farben blau und gelb.

    As port of safety the authorities assigned Civitavecchia – 953.78 kilometres away – for the disembarkation of the survivors of the first rescue. Some of the people from the other rescues were brought ashore in Sicily by the Italian. To disembark the remaining survivors, the Humanity 1 had to travel 1,240 kilometres to Genoa.

Such- und Rettungseinsätze

Karte zu den Einsätzen aus Rotation 14


Our mission in pictures:

Ein Crewmitglied mit pinker Kappe und blauem SOS-Humanity-T-Shirt begutachtet Lebensmittelkisten vor der Humanity 1.
Judith Buethe / SOS Humantiy
Crewmitglieder der Humanity 1 bereiten das Rettungsschiff für den Einsatz vor.
Judith Buethe / SOS Humanity
Am Foto sind die Hände eines Crewmitglieds abgebildet, dass gerade an Bord der Humanity 1 zeigt, wie man eine Rettungsweste verwendet.
Judith Buethe / SOS Humanity
A boat in distress with a lot of people on it on the central Med
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
The fast rescue boat of SOS Humanity is approaching a boat in distress
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
A cat on board Humanity 1 that has been rescued together with 60 survivors
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
Five survivors - mostly minors - are watching the port from Humantiy 1 shortly before disembarkation
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
A small girl leaves the rescue ship Humanity 1
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
A fast rescue boat of SOS Humanity with five crew members on board.
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
Two rubber boats starting to deflate on the central Mediterranean
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
Crew member of SOS Humanity looks at a rubber boat with lots of people - some are already in the water.
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
Feets of the survivor at a rubber boat on the central Mediterranean
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
Four survivors with blankets on board Humanity 1
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
A storm during the journey to a distant port
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
A survivor leaves the Humanity 1.
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
Survivors leaving the rescue ship Humanity 1
Judith Büthe / SOS Humanity
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