Taufe Humanity 1 - Crew am Bug
Arez Ghaderi / SOS Humanity

Our crew



The crew on board Humanity 1 is made up anew for each mission. It consists of permanent and volunteer crew members from all over the world. Have you ever thought about becoming part of our crew? You can find all the positions on board here.

  • Eine Frau an einer weißen Tafel erklärt anderen Personen, die nur von hinten zu sehen sind, etwas.

    Care coordinator

    The care coordinator is part of the head of mission team and coordinates the care and medical team. Required skills include an understanding of search and rescue projects and coordinating care teams in stressful situations as team leading and personal management skills.

  • Drei Crewmitglieder stehen um eine Person, die unter einer goldenen Wärmedecke auf einer Liege im Hospital der Humanity 1 liegt.

    Medical doctor

    The medical doctor, heading the medical team, makes decisions on medical emergencies like evacuations in collaboration with the care coordinator. Two years of medical practice, preferably in emergency medicine, are required.

  • Eine Frau in blauem Overall steht einem Mann in rotem Pullover gegenüber. Sie scheint ihm aufmerksam zuzuhören.

    Mental health representative

    As part of the medical team, mental health representatives are the focal point for the mental health care for survivors on board the Humanity 1. This is usually a position fulfilled by experienced psychologists.

  • Eine Frau sitzt am Boden des Schutzraums der Humanity 1 und spielt mit zwei Kindern.


    The midwife is part of the medical team and the focal point regarding medical questions for women and children on board. At least 2 years of fulltime experience as a midwife and the ability to work self-organised are needed.

  • Eine Frau mit Handschuhen legt einer Geretteten Person mit Maske und Umhang die Hand auf die Schulter.

    Nurse or paramedic

    The nurse or paramedic is part of the medical team and supports the medical doctor and midwife in all medical care provided. Therefore, two years of experience – preferably in emergency medicine – are needed.

  • Crewmitglied im Hintergrund erklärt den Geretteten im Vordergrund etwas an Bord der Humanity 1.

    Protection representative

    The protection representative is part of the care team and ensures an adequate level of protection for survivors rescued at sea and their access to assistance. They are aware of power relations and structural discrimination.

  • Zwei Frauen sprechen miteinander, eine von beiden trägt Kopftuch

    Cultural mediator

    Proficient in Arabic (C1-level or above), they facilitate communication between the crew and survivors during and after rescue, requiring cultural knowledge and translation experience, along with the ability to connect and communicate effectively across diverse backgrounds.

  • Crewmitglied verteilt Rettungswesten unter den Geretteten.

    Search and rescue coordinator

    The search and rescue coordinator is part of the head of mission team and coordinates the search and rescue (SAR) team on board and on land. They have years of experience in search and rescue in the Mediterranean sea.

  • RHIB-Koordinator auf einem SOS Humanity Schnellboot zeigt in eine Richtung.

    RHIB coordinator

    They lead the team on the second rescue boat and are responsible for coordinating and communicating with the SAR coordinator. They have experience in search and rescue as well as knowledge in team leading.

  • Crewmitglied fährt ein Schnellboot, im Hintergrund hohe Wellen

    RHIB driver

    RHIB drivers drive the rescue boats and are part of the SAR team. They have a boat driving licence (min. 7m) and experience in RHIB driving in a context of fast intervention and emergencies.

  • Crewmitglieder mit gelben Helmen werfen gelbe Rettungsausrüstung auf das Mittelmeer.

    RHIB support

    The RHIB support is part of the SAR team, assists in rescuing people and transferring them from the unseaworthy boats onto the Humanity 1. They have a strong willingness to learn and adapt.

  • Zwei Menschen im Gespräch auf der Brücke der Humanity 1 mit einem Mikrofon.

    Human rights observer

    They document and assist on the bridge, serving as the central point for data collection on board. Their responsibilities include tracking events during the rescue and documenting any human rights violations.

  • Crewmitglied mit SOS Humanity-T-Shirt und pinker Schürze schneidet Gemüse

    Chief cook

    With the help of the kitchen assistant, the chefs provide the crew and rescued people with two vegan, hot meals a day. Forward planning is necessary to avoid bottlenecks on board.

  • Crewmitglied gibt an Deck Mahlzeiten an die restliche Crew und Gerettete aus.

    Galley support

    They support the chief cook in cooking two warm vegan meals a day for the crew, and for survivors after the rescue. Experience in cooking vegan meals for a large group of people is needed.

  • Captain on board Humanity 1 speaks in his radio.


    The captain is responsible for managing the ship and the overall coordination of rescue operations. As this position involves managing operations, experience with search and rescue operations is required.

  • First officer is studying a map in the bridge of Humanity 1.

    First officer

    First officers support the captain before, during and after rescue operations. They are responsible for search and rescue navigation and the operation of the ship and assist in the search for distress cases.

  • Ein Bildschirm in der Brücke der Humanity 1 zeigt eine SAR-Zone

    Second officer

    Second officer supports the first officer in navigation and ship management and operation. They help with the administration of the bridge, watch duties and are responsible for the radios on board.

  • Matrosin bei der Arbeit an Deck


    ABs support the management and maintenance of the ship. They help maintain the rescue equipment and take survivors on board during rescue operations.

  • Bosun in a room on board Humanity 1 full of devices.


    In this role, you are responsible for the crew and deck work in the context of rescue activities. Bosuns carry out training for the crew as well as deck and crane work.

  • Eine Person von hinten, die bunte Kabel eines elektronischen Geräts verbindet.

    Electrician and IT specialist

    As part of the engine team, the person in this role has to take care of all electronic matters on board and is responsible for the IT on the ship.

  • Eine Person in roter Latzhose bei der Arbeit im Maschinenraum der Humanity 1.

    First engineer

    As head of the engine team, the first engineer supervises all (maintenance) work on the engine. They advise the bridge team on all engine-related issues.

  • Eine Person bei der Arbeit an einem der Motoren der Humanity 1.

    Second engineer

    This person assists with all engine-related tasks such as the maintenance and repair of the ship’s engine, deck and accommodation. They are also responsible for compliance with occupational safety and environmental protection guidelines.

  • Crew member works on the motor of Humanity 1.

    Third engineer

    Third engineers support the engine team with maintenance and repair work on the ship’s engine and equipment, deck or accommodation.

  • Kameras und Mikros sind auf den Kommunikationskoordinator gerichtet, der vor der Humanity 1 steht.

    Communication coordinator

    The communication coordinator is part of the head of mission (HOM) team and creates content on board. To ensure a transparent and coherent communication they work closely with the communication team in the office.

  • Mikrofone und Kameras werden von unterschiedlichen Personen gehalten.


    Every mission is documented by an external journalist. To ensure that their work is consistent with our protection guidelines the journalist collaborates with the communication coordinator.

  • Fotograf an Bord der Humanity 1 hält eine Kamera in der Hand und fotografiert in Richtung des Betrachtenden.


    The photographer on board documents the search and rescue mission as well as the situation on board for SOS Humanity but also for other media and press. Therefore experience as photographer – preferably in search and rescue context – are required.

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SOS Humanity e.V.
Postbox 440352
D-12003 Berlin

Phone +49 (0) 30 2352 5682


SOS Humanity e.V.

IBAN: DE 0410 0500 0001 9041 8451
