The existence of a search and rescue organisation financed by donations is based on solidarity and financial aid. Our sponsoring partners and various supporters strengthen our work. Our life-saving missions in the Mediterranean and our political activities and educational work on land are only made possible by their financial commitment. We would therefore like to thank all our supporters and partners.
Support from national and international aid organisations and foundations
Our work receives great support from member organisations of the “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” alliance: ADRA Deutschland e.V., Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), AWO International e.V., Handicap International, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V., Islamic Relief Deutschland e.V. and Kinderhilfswerk Stiftung Global Care are involved in the “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” consortium project. World Vision and the Central Welfare Organisation of Jews in Germany also show solidarity with SOS Humanity as supporting partners.
We moreover benefit from partnerships with United4Rescue, Sea-Watch, UN Refugee Aid Germany, SOS-Children’s Villages Worldwide, Choose Love, Kindernothilfe and Pharmacists Without Borders. We would also like to thank the foundations that support us, especially the Deutsche Postcode Lotterie. The organisations and foundations mentioned above enable us to draw attention to the fate of those rescued and lend further weight to the call for people to be rescued from distress at sea without hindrance.
In addition to the mentioned support, sponsorships and fundraising campaigns by cities, municipalities and dioceses help to support our life-saving missions. We are supported by the city of Munich, the city of Oldenburg, Seebrücke Angermünde/Uckermark, Seebrücke Oldenburg, the city of Angermünde and the city of Braunschweig.
Supporting institutions and partners
ADRA Deutschland e. V.
Aktion Deutschland Hilft e. V.
Apotheker ohne Grenzen Deutschland
AWO International e. V.
ASB Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e. V.
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières
Choose Love
Deutsche Postcode Lotterie gemeinnützige GmbH
Handicap International e.V.
Islamic Relief Deutschland e.V.
SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit
United4Rescue – Gemeinsam Retten e.V.
UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe e.V.
World Vision Deutschland
Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland
Sponsorships & campaigns
Stadt Angermünde
Stadt Braunschweig
Stadt München
Stadt Oldenburg
Seebrücke Oldenburg
Seebrücke Uckermark

Would you like to support our life-saving work with a sponsorship or obtain a sponsorship for Humanity 1 in your community? Get in touch with us!
Vera Scholz
Project Funding and Co-operations Officer