SOS Humanity live on Twitch

On 21 September and 22 September Kim aka Freiraumreh will take you on board the Humanity 1 via her livestream. In the stream, Kim will conduct exciting interviews (in German) with our crew, our board members and our managing director and ask in-depth questions about humanitarian work at sea. During the stream, you can donate via Betterplace. So: tune in and support civil search and rescue!

Streams with ship tour and talks with various team and crew members (in German)
Streamer, activist and political blogger
on Saturday, 21.09., from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m.
and Sunday, 22.09., from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
on board the Humanity 1, the rescue ship of SOS Humanity, streamed via Twitch with Betterplace campaign.