Notification of distress at sea: Alarm Phone, Seabird
Location: Libyan Search and Rescue Region
Condition of boat: Overcrowded, unseaworthy rubber boat, no lifejackets, no life saving equipment, people exposed to the elements
Number of people rescued: 46
Number of people pulled-back: about 35
Medical condition: Exhausted, potentially traumatised, partially confused and disoriented
Timeline and communication with authorities:
08:31 CET Seabird 1 calls Humanity 1 via VHF to give an updated position (33°30 N 012°21 E) for a boat in distress (white rubber boat, approx. 60-70 ppl on board, no lifesaving equipment). The description matches a distress case previously reported by Alarm Phone.
08:37 CET Completion of a rescue operation (rescue number 1).
08:48 CET Humanity 1 receives an email from Seabird 1, with the position and description of the spotted distress case.
08:54 CET Humanity 1 informs LYJRCC, MTRCC and ITMRCC about the completion of the rescue of 90 people, requests a place of safety and informs about the reported open distress case, which is about 11 km away from Humanity 1, and asks for further instructions.
08:57 CET Humanity 1 calls ITMRCC to inform about the distress alert by Seabird 1 and asking for coordination. ITMRCC instructs Humanity 1 to send an email with all relevant information about the case.
09:01 CET Humanity 1 tries to contact the vessel via VHF. No answer.
09:02 CET Seabird 1 calls Humanity 1 via VHF to give a situational update: The rubber boat is alongside a Libyan patrol vessel. The left sponson (alongside the Libyan patrol vessel) of the rubber boat is deflated. 30-40 people are in the water, trying to swim away from the Libyan patrol vessel. The Libyan vessel does not launch a RHIB to rescue the people in the water but takes more people from the deflated rubber boat on board.
09:05 CET Humanity 1 tries to contact the Libyan patrol vessel 656 via VHF. No answer.
09:06 CET Humanity 1 tries to contact Libyan patrol vessel 656 via VHF. No answer. Humanity 1 informs via VHF on channel 16 that the captain will now give instructions to launch the RHIBs to render assistance to the people in the water.
09:10 CET Humanity 1 sends the requested email to LYJRCC, MTRCC, ITMRCC, forwarding the email from Seabird 1, informing about the VHF conversation with Seabird 1 and that Humanity 1 is proceeding to the given position and the intention to render assistance to the people in distress.
09:13 CET Seabird 1 calls again and informs Humanity 1 that there are around 40 people in the water and updates their position.
09:13 CET Humanity 1 launches one RHIB to the water.
09:17 CET Humanity 1 calls again ITMRCC and updates about arriving on scene, seeing many people in the water, asking repeatedly for coordination of the case by ITMRCC, as no other RCC is answering requests for coordination. Officer on duty instructs captain of Humanity 1 to take any appropriate action to save lives of the people in the water.
09:20 CET Humanity 1 completes launching both RHIBs. Both RHIBs start to approach and rescue people in the water.
09:34 CET Humanity 1 sends another email to LYJRCC, ITMRCC, MTRCC reporting on the current situation (people in the water, Libyan patrol vessel on the scene) and asks for further instructions.
09:37 CET ITMRCC calls Humanity 1 and instructs to follow the orders of the Libyan patrol vessel.
09:39 CET Humanity 1 tries again to call Libyan patrol vessel via VHF. No answer.
09:41 CET Humanity 1 calls ITMRCC to report that the Libyan patrol vessel does not respond to VHF calls and about the actions to save lives undertaken by Humanity 1. The captain informs that 46 people are recovered to the RHIBs and asks for further instructions. ITMRCC instructs Humanity 1 to send another email with updated information.
09:45 CET Humanity 1 sends another email to LYJRCC, ITMRCC, MTRCC reporting on the current situation (46 people who have been in the water recovered to the RHIBs) and asks for further instructions.
09:46 CET Humanity 1 calls ITMRCC again. Officer on duty does not answer the call.
09:56 CET Humanity 1 receives an email from ITMRCC, assigning Livorno as the place of safety for the disembarkation of the survivors.
10:21 CET Humanity 1 sends an email to ITMRCC acknowledging the place of safety.
10:37 CET Humanity 1 receives email by Seabird 1 informing all relevant SAR-authorities about the incidents of the rescue operation.
10:40 CET End of rescue operation. All crew, 46 survivors and equipment on board Humanity 1.
10:41 CET Humanity 1, in position 33°30.2N 012°22.6E, writes an email to ITMRCC reporting about the completion of rescuing 46 people out of the water. Humanity 1 heads full speed towards North to the assigned place of safety, as instructed by ITMRCC.