SOS - rette unser Schiff, Gerettete auf einem Schlauchboot, Humanity1 und RHIB ausgeblendet
Max Cavallari / SOS Humanity

Save Our Ship



This mission will not be the last!

Together you have donated more than 270,000 euros enabling Humanity 1 to continue operating at sea in August. Thank you! You can still donate here to finance also future missions.

270.000 €
277.001 €
Unsere Crew vor dem Schiff, der Humanity 1, im Hafen in Italien mit einem Banner auf dem "Danke" steht.
Raphael Schumacher / SOS Humanity

For a long time, it was unclear whether we would be able to finance our next rotation in August, despite a motivated crew and a well-equipped rescue ship. All the greater is our relief now: We have experienced incredible support. Many, many thanks, we are incredibly impressed ! Fundraising campaigns were created for weddings, birthdays and similar occasions. Our appeal was shared on social media and amplified by celebrity supporters. Hundreds bought our humanity t-shirt, many cheered and sent messages of encouragement. There were many and generous donations.

About #SaveOurShip

As SOS Humanity, we have achieved a lot in the last year and accomplished what seemed impossible. We have launched a large ship, the Humanity 1, recruited an international, highly professional crew and our incredibly motivated volunteers have worked for days and weeks. With our new rescue ship, we have already been able to sail five full rotations and save 1,042 people from distress at sea or from drowning across 14 rescues.

Die Schauspielerin Katja Riemann mit blonden Haaren und blauen Augen und goldenen Ohrringen und schwarzer Bluse und Locken blickt ernst in die Kamera, Portrait
Humanity and the protection of human rights cannot be taken for granted. That is why I ask you personally: Donate now!

Why we need your donation now:

Blick von der Humanity 1 auf eine stürmische See und hohe Wellen während der Überfahrt nach Ravenna
Maria Giulia Trombini / SOS Humanity


The operation of a ship

costs money and these costs have risen. Fuel, logistics, medical products – everything has become significantly more expensive. We get donations in kind like clothing from the maritime world, but we need more money to pay for running costs which inlude first aid packages for the survivors, fuel or port fees.

The policy of the Italian government

not only threatens the cornerstones of international law, but also imposes unfair and incomprehensible rules which concretely hinder the rescue operations of search and rescue NGOs. Moreover, they also jeopardise the financing of the missions themselves. The practice of assigning distant ports has caused fuel costs to sdyrocket and shortens the time in which we can rescue.

On the legal side

enormous costs are incurred. For example, since November 2022, SOS Humanity has been forced to initiate three lawsuits against illegitimate measures taken by the Italian government that violate human rights. Each lawsuit costs money and ties up the capacities and time of our team on land, which should actually be focused on the life-saving mission at sea. Nevertheless, it is our duty to stand up for human rights.

The Humanity 1

is one of the largest and best equipped rescue vessels in the central Mediterranean! The bridge has a high performance and a standard radar and there are two fast rescue boats available. There is also an infirmary on board and a separate shelter for children. Maintaining this standard to protect the rescued costs money.

Our rich experience from eight years of maritime rescue in the Mediterranean has helped us to streamline the processes as much us possible. Nevertheless, our rescue mission costs around 9,000 euros a day. That is 270,000 euros per mission. We need this money by 15 July to be able to finance the next rescue mission.

Crew von SOS Humanity rettet Menschen aus einem blauen Fischerboot, im Hintergrund die Humanity 1.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity

The number of humanitarian crises  worldwide is increasing, and aid has to spread across many relief projects. But the Mediterranean is still the deadliest escape route in the world. This year, the situation is particularly bad: by June, over 1,000 children, women and men had drowned. On average, over seven people per day, one person every three hours. Every three hours!

Every missed mission at sea costs lives! Only together can we continue what most people take for granted: not leaving people to die. Because saving lives is a duty. Without donations, no rescue – this is the simple and urgent situation for SOS Humanity.

Your support is now more important than ever. Every Euro brings us one step further.

How to support us: