Podcast Save Our Souls – Special Issue in English

Grafik für den Podcast Save Our Souls der Freiwilligen von SOS Humanity

Since October 2020, members from our volunteer-groups regularly recorded episodes for their podcast named “Save our Souls”. The podcast deals with insights, perspectives, experiences and possibilities for action in relation to the complex topic of (civil) search and rescue in the Mediterranean. Topics are inter alia our life-saving work, the legal and historical foundations of sea rescue, social discourse and reporting on people fleeing via the Mediterranean Sea.

The sixth episode was recorded in English. Feel free to listen in!

Push and Pull – Myth, Misconception and Morality in the politcal debate
In this episode volunteers are speaking with researcher Aleja Sanchez from Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations-und Migrationsforschung DeZIM e. V about the concept of pull factors, the twisted logic about it and its misuse in the political debate. The conversation revolves around her research in this field and touches the distinction between push and pull factors. It further elaborates on why the concept cannot be a relevant factor in the discussion about search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean Sea.

Listen to the full issue!*

*Link leads to external platform (Spotify)

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