Our Crew sends SOS! #SaveOurShip

Crew von SOS Humanity vor dem Rettungsschiff Humanity 1 in blauen T-Shirts am Hafen.
Raphael Schumacher / SOS Humanity

Our crew gave everything again during the last rotation. Within only two days and nights, they rescued 199 people from five boats in distress facing extreme weather conditions.

Some of them are on board for the first time, others have been to sea with us or other search and rescue organisations before. They bring with them a wide range of knowledge and experience. They bring with them a wide range of knowledge and experience. This time people from 14 different countries and four continents come together. One thing unites them: This mission must not be the last!

Ein Portrait von Galley Support Federica an Bord der Humanity 1
We need NGO vessels to save people from drowning.
Crew-Mitglied an Bord der Humanity 1
The action time is now. Please get involved and save lives.
Portrait von der Köchin an Bord der Humanity 1
I support SOS because I am ashamed of the European migration policy that stops at nothing.
Crew Mitglied in der Bordklinik auf der Humanity 1
It is unacceptable for me that for displaced people the only option is to cross the Mediterranean.
Crew Mitglied an Bord der Humanity 1 mit RHIB und Rettungsschiff im Hintergrund
I am part of the team because I don't want to stand idly by and watch the suffering right outside our borders.
Crew Mitglied der Humanity 1 von SOS Humanity auf einem orangen RHIB mit dem Meer im Hintergrund.
I am here because I believe that nobody deserves to die at sea.

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