Rescue Report No. 5: The crew rescued 118 people

Geflüchtete Personen bei der Rettung von einem blauen Holzboot auf das RHIB der Humanity 1, das Rettungsboot von SOS Humanity.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity

On the morning of May 26, 2023, our crew was able to rescue 88 people – including eleven minors, ten of them unaccompanied*. Those rescued were at sea for three days without rescue or navigation equipment before we were able to take them aboard Humanity 1. Although the survivors report a second boat, Italian authorities order us to go to the port of Livorno, Italy, 1400 kilometers away, immediately.

After all survivors were able to safely go ashore, the Humanity 1 went again to the area of operation and rescued 30 more people on the morning of June 3, 2023. The Italian authorities first assigned the port of Ancona, Italy, 1,400 kilometres away, then the port of Civitavecchia, Italy, almost 1,000 kilometres away, as a place of safety.

*Correction: Ten minors, nine of them unaccompanied

Last updated 03.06.23


  • Rescue Operations
  • Survivors
  • Minors aboard
  • Babies aboard
  • Pregnant women aboard
  • Icon mit Steuerrad in den SOS-Humanity Farben blau und gelb.

    4 days crossing from first rescue to disembarkation. 3 days crossing from second rescue to disembarkation.

  • Grafik Rettungsring gelber Kreis mit blauem Rettungsring

    1,400 kilometers from the first place of operation to the assigned port. 985 kilometers from the second place of operation to the assigned port.

  • Grafik Gelbes Herz mit drei blauen Herzlinien

    Nationalities: Egypt, Pakistan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Bangladesh, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia

  • Icon Herzfrequenz in den Farben von SOS Humanity.

    Medical Situation on Board: Many of those rescued suffered from seasickness and hypothermic, some showed signs of physical violence.

Search and Rescue Operations

Karte mit den Standorten der Such- und Rettungseinsätze bei der fünften Rotation der Humanity 1 - das Rettungsschiff von SOS Humanity


25 May 23 Yesterday, the Italian Rescue Coordination Centre alerted nearby vessels – including Humanity 1 – about a boat with 27 people on board in distress in international waters off the coast of Libya. The reconnaissance aircraft Seabird (Sea-Watch) was able to spot the overcrowded boat.

The Humanity 1 was subsequently able to ascertain from the merchant ship P. Long Beach (belonging to Performance Shipping Inc.) that all 27 people had been brought on board the vessel and were being taken back to Libya. Our captain called the ship multiple times to emphasise that this constitutes an illegal pushback and thus a violation of international maritime and human rights law.

For the past 48 hours, the search for another boat in distress with around 500 people on board has so far been in vain.

26 May 23 This morning, the crew of Humanity 1 rescued 88 people from an overcrowded, unseaworthy wooden boat in international waters as rain set in. The rescued people had been at sea for 3 days without lifejackets and are now safely onboard Humanity 1.

The Humanity 1 is assigned the port of Livorno, Italy, 1400 kilometers away. That means four days of travel. Although the survivors report a second boat, Italian authorities order us to go back to Italy. The MRCC Rome ignores our request to coordinate the case. It refers to the health of the those rescued, but at the same time expects them to spend four more days on board.

30 May 23 After a 4-day journey, all 88 survivors – 10 of whom are minors – were safely disembarked in the northerly Italian port of Livorno.
Before disembarkation, the survivors received new clothing and medical screenings by the Italian authorities, as well as a last snack from our crew. We hope that they will receive the protection they seek, and deserve, in Europe. The Humanity 1 is on its way back to area of operation.

RHIB von SOS Humanity mit Crew, die Menschen von einem Schlauchboot rettet. Im Hintergrund das Meer, Himmel und die Humanity 1.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity

03 June 2023 This morning, our crew rescued 30 people from an overcrowded rubber boat in the Maltese Search and Rescue Region. Among the survivors are four women and eleven minors – including an only two-month-old baby.

The rescued people have been at sea for more than two days. The unseaworthy boat had neither rescue and navigation equipment nor enough fuel to reach a safe harbor. Their clothes and bags were soaked. The baby was wrapped only in a wet coat. The survivors are exhausted and a part of them is seasick, but they receive first-aid and are provided with dry clothing aboard Humanity 1.

The Italian authorities first assigned the port of Ancona, Italy, 1,400 kilometres away, then the port of Civitavecchia, Italy, almost 1,000 kilometres away, as a place of safety.

06 June 2023 After three days of sailing, all 30 survivors were able to safely disembark from Humanity 1 in Civitavecchia in Italy this morning. They were examined on board by Italian health authorities before being welcomed by the Red Cross in port.

Our mission in pictures

Die Humanity 1, das Rettungsschiff von SOS Humanity bei der Rettung eines blauen Bootes.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
Gerettete auf der Humanity 1 mit dem Rücken zum Betrachter während die Crew von SOS Humanity Willkommensworte spricht.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
Crew Mitglieder von SOS Humanity auf der Humanity 1 bei der Essensausgabe. Sie tragen Masken.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
Schneiden von Haaren der Geretteten auf der Humanity 1
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
Crew Mitglieder von SOS Humanity winken zum Abschied von der Humanity 1.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
Gerettte auf einem kleinen Schlauchboot auf dem Mittelmeer, SOS Humanity verteilt Rettungswesten.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
Crew Mitglieder von SOS Humanity und Gerettete sitzen auf der Humanity 1 zusammen, im Hintergrund Seifenblasen.
Camilla Kranzusch / SOS Humanity
Hebamme auf der Humanity 1 versorgt ein Baby.
Camilla Kranzusch / SOS Humanity
Gerettete bei der Ausschiffung in Siracusa, wo die Humanity 1 sie hingebracht hat.
Max Hirzel / SOS Humanity
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