Rescue Report No. 7: 163 people rescued by our crew

Crewmitglied von SOS Humanity von hinten mit gelbem Helm und erhobener Hand auf einem RHIB, im Hintergrund ein Boot mit Überlebenden.
Danilo Campailla / SOS Humanity

On 11 August 2023, our crew rescued a total of over 100 people from distress at sea in two rescues. The port of Ancona was assigned to the Humanity 1 as a place of safety, where the rescued people could safely go ashore on 16 August 2023.

From there, the Humainty 1 sailed back to the area of operation. On 23 August 2023, the crew was able to rescue 57 more people. Immediately afterwards, Livorno was assigned as a port of safety by the Italian authorities. Three, the survivors can go safely ashore on 27 August 2023.


Last update: 27 August 2023

  • Rescue Operations
  • Survivors
  • Minors on board
  • Babies on board
  • Pregnant women
  • Icon mit Steuerrad in den SOS-Humanity Farben blau und gelb.

    Each 4-day crossing from rescues to disembarkation.

  • Grafik Rettungsring gelber Kreis mit blauem Rettungsring

    1,400 kilometres from the location of the rescues to the assigned port in Ancona. 1,000 kilometres from the location of the rescues to the assigned port in Livorno.

  • Grafik Gelbes Herz mit drei blauen Herzlinien

    Nationalitäten: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Eritrea, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Suda, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic

  • Icon Herzfrequenz in den Farben von SOS Humanity.

    Medizinische Situation an Bord: Many of those rescued suffer from petrol-salt water burns, seasickness or dehydration. One woman is pregnant.

Search and Rescue Operations

Karte eines Ausschnitts des zentralen Mittelmeers, Italines, Maltas und der nordafrikanischen Küste mit den Koordinaten der einzelnen Operationen dieses Einsatzes.


11 August 2023, morning This morning, the crew of Humanity 1 rescued over 80 people in distress from an overcrowded, unseaworthy inflatable boat in international waters. They had fled from Libya during the night. Water had already entered the boat at the time of the rescue, no one had a life jacket. Among the survivors are several women, including at least one pregnant woman, multiple unaccompanied minors, and two babies.

11 August 2023, afternoon In a second rescue in international waters, the crew rescued around 20 more people from distress at sea in the afternoon. They were on a small, unseaworthy, overcrowded rubber boat without life jackets. There are now over 100 rescued people on board Humanity 1 now, who are receiving first aid and care from our crew.

12 August 2023, afternoon After two rescues yesterday, Humanity 1 is now heading for Ancona as assigned port of safety, located in the north-east of Italy – 1,400 kilometres and four days away. On board, there are 106 survivors, including many unaccompanied minors, several children, and two babies. Their health condition is stable, although they are exhausted and weakened. Nonetheless, the Italian authorities have assigned a port of safety far away. This means survivors need to wait unnecessarily long before going ashore. Our legal complaint against Italy’s systematic practice of assigning distant ports is ongoing.

16 August 2023, noon Today around noon, all 106 rescued people onboard Humanity 1 safely disembarked in Ancona, Italy. Women were allowed to disembark with their children first, followed by unaccompanied minors. Our crew rescued the 106 people on Friday 11 August – from two overcrowded, unseaworthy boats in distress that had set off from Libya. From the position of rescue, the journey to Ancona took over four days. The survivors were denied the right to disembark in the fastest possible way and care ashore by assigning the port of Ancona.

Blaues Boot auf dem Mittelmeer mit Flüchtlingen an Bord, dahinter SOS Humanity Rettungsboote und die Humanity 1.
Danilo Campailla / SOS Humanity

23 August 2023, morning Just before 11am today, our crew spotted an overcrowded wooden boat in distress. All 57 survivors were safely taken on board Humanity 1, where they now receive first aid and care. Among them are also two unaccompanied minors.

23 August 2023, afternoon 57 survivors are on board Humanity 1. They have been at sea since they left Libya last night lacking water and lifesaving equipment. They are extremely exhausted, some were severely dehydrated when they were rescued by our crew. At least one of the survivors is suffering from fuel burns. Still, they have to wait at least four more days before they can go ashore. The Italian authorities have assigned Livorno, in northern Italy, as a place of safety for Humanity 1. The port is over 1,000 kilometres away. Once again, the Italian government is denying the survivors their right to disembark as soon as possible. This is the seventh time this year that the Humanity 1 has had to call at a distant port – even though there are several ports closer that could be reached much quicker.

24 August 2023, noon The crew of Humanity 1 spotted a small rubber boat in distress. In coordination with the Italian authorities, they stabilised the boat and provided the 10 people onboard with lifejackets, food, and water. Around 2 hours later, the Italian coast guard took the people on board.

The unseaworthy rubber boat was drifting between Tunisia and Sicily. The survivors had left Tunisia 3 days ago. While they are being taken by the Coast Guard to Pantelleria, Italy, the Humanity 1 continues its journey to Livorno with 57 rescued people onboard.

27 August 2023, morning Finally stepping onto dry und safe land: This morning, 57 survivors were able to go ashore in Livorno in northern Italy. Four days have passed since the crew rescued them from distress at sea on Wednesday 23 August.

During these four days, they received medical care and psychological support. Also, our crew gave initial information about the asylum procedure in the EU and their rights as refugees. We are relieved that these people are alive and at the same time know that their future in a foreign country remains uncertain.

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